Ever since Kat was a baby, I have been taking pictures of her milestones. It started with newborn, then three, six, nine months and all of the special moments throughout the first year. Now I take pride in documenting the yearly milestones. I try to capture my sweet children exactly as they are. Kat is such a happy girl. When she was a baby she smiled and laughed all the time. She hasn’t changed! She is one of those kids that makes friends with everyone she meets. She thinks the best of everyone and she loves making other people feel special.

This is probably my favorite image from her 5 year photo session. You can hear her laughing here. She lights up my life. Really, this girl is sooooooooo important to me.

I love this kid… Her style and her zest for life. Her favorite color is still hot pink and she loves sparkles.

Oh, that grin. She is beautiful inside and out.

She picked out this birthday dress. And teddy is still her most prized possession. That poor teddy is so worn out and so well loved!

She is a princess.

My second favorite shot of the session. This girl! I. Love. Her. Happy firth birthday, Kat (almost a year and a half ago…and I promise it was an amazing year. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!).

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