Ch ch ch Change | Turn and Face the Strain | North Carolina | Update

I wanted to take a few minutes and give some updates. Things are good, surprisingly, very good. We’ve been through SO much change. God is faithful, and even though we are under more stress than any other time in our lives, it is well with our souls.

The pic above was taken on moving day. We gave the big girls Elsa dresses once we arrived at the rental house. Moving with three kids is an extraordinary feat! Add that with moving into a much smaller place, starting a new job (and finishing up an old one), putting our home up for sale (and everything that is involved with getting a home ready to sell), traveling back and forth from GA to NC every other weekend, finishing up sessions, trying out seven different churches, and SO much more… IT’S A LOT! We are going through more change than you can POSSIBLY imagine. Even so, God is faithful! We are really joyful (most days)! One huge blessing (among many) is I have realized that my life will have the same responsibilities no matter where we live. I still have to get the girls ready, make meals, clean house, do laundry, and everything else. All of that to be said, I am just as busy here as I was in GA.  My days have been filled, and that is not a bad thing!

I am very excited about a few things. Our house selling will put us on a new road of change and we will start looking for a home to buy or build. Can’t wait for us to start that journey! We have found two churches here that are both wonderful. They are both different and we will have a hard time choosing… So, you can pray for our home to sell, for us to settle on a new church home, and of course for peace as Matt starts his new job.
Matt officially transitions to his new job on October 1st. Between now and then, Matt has been working from home a few days a week, going in the office, and in his spare time helping us all get settled in. By settled in I mean unpacked and whatnot. Then we realized we needed a bigger storage unit, and so we had to pack and unpack again with all of our j-u-n-k that won’t fit in our rental home. He has been a great help. I am thrilled for him to start his new job, but I will miss his presence at home. In perfect world, we’d spend time together every minute of every day. Love that man so much!

Thank you to all of the friends who have constantly checked in with us and prayed for us. We can feel those prayers working!

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