My, how the time flies. Truth be told, Abi is turning one next week! I better get this post out before I am three months behind on her 1 year old pictures. Ha! Hey, she is the youngest of three girls so the fact that she is dressed in something besides pajamas today is truly an accomplishment (insert mom giggle).

Anyway, Abi turned 9 months old (three months ago). She is such a bright light in our every day life! Don’t get me wrong, we have teething days, fevers, sleepless nights, and she drops the paci more times than we would like BUT this baby is worth it. She is worth all of it! I am blessed to be her mama. Meaning, she blesses me! She is a gift!

Some of you know, she came at a very complicated time in our lives. We were a little scared she would be challenging, as her big sister Ella was. Thanks be to God, she has been a really easy baby! Not only that, but our family would not be the same without this little person. It was scary to make the jump to three kids 5 and under, but I have made it and we are thriving.

Abi is our only baby who has taken a pacifier. She will be giving it up soon, if all goes well, but she does enjoy to have it every nap and bedtime. Also, this kid does not crawl. It is quite hilarious to watch but she scoots everywhere, and quickly too! She is our own little personal swiffer. Ha!! We always know when we need to clean the floors… Poor baby butt. Right now, and you can see in some of these pictures, she has “chick fuzz”. It is this adorable fuzzy mohawk that stands up all by itself. She will not let me put bows or headbands in her hair. They last for all of 5 minutes. That is how long they lasted for these pictures! Abi also has this incredible growl. She growls like an extra from the walking dead. We are so proud! For real, it is stinking cute but it scares people when they aren’t expecting it. Abi is full of personality and spunk. She has little personality traits of both Ella and Kat in her. She makes us laugh and we can’t wait to see how she makes her mark on this world. I take that back, I CAN wait. Time can slow down a little. Her short journey here thus far has flown by too fast. I am working on her first birthday party as we speak and my heart is sad and overjoyed looking back on all of the moments we have shared and captured. Bittersweet for sure!

Here she is, 9 months old. She has been really into chewing and banging these wooden blocks. We’ve had them since Kat was born and she is the first kid to really enjoy them. All drooly and chewed. Just how they should be!

She is smiling about 85% of the time. For real. She is a very happy baby!


See those six teeth? She got them all so quickly!

Nom, nom.

She takes baths with the big girls a lot, but she isn’t as into the splashing or pretend mermaids as they are so we occasionally bathe her alone. She loves the bath!

My smiley girl.

Typical. With all of the baby toys we have, and all of the ones I purchased just for her, she wants to play with the Barbie doll castle. She fits right in around here.

Mealtime can be challenging for me. I am trying to cook, and this is one of those days when she stayed in pajamas all day, and this kid really wants me to hold her. I like to give her plastic bowls, cups, and spoons to play with while she scoots around.

She is a delight. A joy. I am so in love with her!

We got some sweet pictures outside one day. It is hard to do anything with just Abi. I took these when the big girls were at VBS. Abi looks beautiful in black and white! I don’t think babies need to have pink or blue all the time. I found this black and white romper and fell in love. She looks so sweet and elegant in it and I get compliments all the time on how cute she is.

You can just barely see her next two teeth popping up. Beautiful girl.

Oh my Abi, you are growing up so quickly. I love being your mom. You make me smile every day and I love watching you learn and develop. Nine months down and a lifetime of love to go. Soon you will be one and we will have a big party to celebrate you. I can’t wait to throw a big party for you! You are loved sweet child of mine.

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