Hi all. I really have no idea if anyone will read this now that I am off of social media. How about we talk about that a little bit… It is been so interesting to be off of social media. At first, I found myself having a hard time with it. Since it took two weeks for facebook to delete my account, I found those two weeks pretty difficult. When the two weeks was over it became very freeing to be rid of facebook. I am happy to report that I am less dependent on my phone and more present with what I find is most important in my life. I’ve even left my phone at home a few times and I didn’t go crazy.

This has been such a good season for me. I am not saying I am rid of all stress or anxiety, but I am in a really good place right now. I’m learning that it is okay to rest. It is okay to take care of yourself. Also, having healthy self talk is huge. Having people who don’t judge you when you say yes or no is huge. So my friends, be kind to your selves. When you are going about your day and you mess something up, be kind. If you are having a hard time and things are piling up, find a way to say no and rest. I am learning to take my own advice. Sometimes I have to learn the hard way. Actually, most of the time I have to learn the hard way.

Right now, we are in a unique place in life. Matt and I have had such a hard year. Two years, if I am being honest. It all started right about now two years ago. We heard from the Lord that He wanted us to move to Asheville. So, we listed our home for sale and we moved. Through many trials and pains we have come to understand that there is much more to our story than just moving to Asheville. In this season of waiting for the Lord to lead us, there is a great work that is being done. A great work in Matt and a great work in myself. So, we are letting Him complete that work. It is painful and slow but so beautiful. Most of the time, I am humbled and grateful that we are getting this chance to grow in our trust and devotion to the Lord. In the past, we were too distracted and busy to let Him work in us. We weren’t looking or listening. However, we are looking and listening right now and a great work is happening!

My days are filled with laundry, meal prep, cleaning, feeding little people, teaching my children, trying to spend quality time with my husband, and resting when I can. I know that no matter where we are, no matter what house we live in, my life is full and three kids 5 and under makes me a busy mama. As I am sure you can imagine, finding time to rest is not easy. I find myself enjoying little things like sneaking off to have a quick shower, waking up early to pray, read or listen to a book, napping while the big girls watch a show, or staying up later than everyone else to watch a show only I would enjoy. Mostly, I find my best way to rest is to get alone and spend some time by myself. I try to get a night to myself every other week or so to go to target, grab a coffee, grocery shop, or anything I can do alone. Key word, a-l-o-n-e. This is one of the ways I am energized and refreshed right now.

So, life is good. We have our moments where the days can be long and hard, but I have a great support with my husband and some key friendships. I am very thankful for where I am right now and what I have in front me of. A roof over my head, food in the fridge, money in the bank, three healthy children, and a devoted husband. God is good and I am a work in progress.

A picture from my 30th birthday cruise. It was so-much-fun! I didn’t take many pictures with my fancy camera but that was because I was enjoying myself so much! I woke up early every day, took naps, stayed up late a few nights, had hilarious conversations with my friends, and ate lots of delicious food. This picture was taken on one of the most glorious days I have ever had. I will remember this trip forever.

Kat had her ballet recital a few weeks ago. She was so proud to be a little ballerina lady bug!

We have such random weather in Asheville. One day it is super sunny, then it is quite chilly, and we get rain on and off, here and there. On this particular day, we decided to play in the rain. The big girls didn’t last long since it was cold that day before it started raining. Even so, I want my kids to be kids. I want them to play and be little for as long as they can.

Kat had fun jumping in the puddles.

My precious Ella. She loves food. The first words out of her mouth in the morning are something demanding like, “Mommy! Where is my breakfast?!” Gotta love her.

Ella had her FIRST ballet class this summer. She has been aching to start lessons for some time now. Ella loves it!

My Abi girl. She is so precious! I delight in being her mom. I look at her and I thank God for this bright light in my life.

Abi is so much fun and she keep surprising me. She refuses to crawl, so she scoots everywhere. She has the scooting down too! She can get around quite well. No more staying in one place!




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