Abi is 6 months old

Hello all. Though it seems like just yesterday she was born, Abi is officially six months old. She is growing so fast, and poor dear, she is pretty much just along for the ride. In the last week, she has only had a handful of naps at home in her crib. The rest were on the road, in her car seat, or in someone’s arms. I remember a time when the world seemed to stop for naps. Not these days! We have things to do, places to go, and people to see. Sweet Abi, it does not mean that we love you any less. In fact, I think you will probably turn out to be super easy going and you might just be our favorite kid for that fact alone (wink, wink).
Abi cut her first tooth just in time for her 6 month birthday and starting solid foods. Below, really could be a model for a baby add. She was a fan of avocados the other night but this morning was a different story. We will keep trying though! Third time around, I know they all like avocados. It just takes some time. Now, the big girls beg me for them!
So, here are some images that capture Abi as she is right now. Six months old, growing, smiling, and getting too big too fast. Happy 6 month birthday, baby girl.


Here she is taking her first few bites of solid food. We have always made our kids baby food. It is cheaper for us and a lot healthier for them. It isn’t easier though because you have to take the time to buy, prepare, and store the food. I planned a few days and made a bunch of the first few items babies eat. I will say, it is much harder doing this the more kids you have, and the lack of counter space in our kitchen made this quite challenging for me. Glad we got a head start on food prep and here is to hoping I can keep up with it this time around.

We sang her a happy six month old birthday song.


Happy first Valentine’s Day to this love of mine. She melts me like chocolate.


Check out that drool on the side of her mouth. Love her.


Had to get some of her in her crib. All three girls have used this crib but we did get some new sheets for Abi.


Love her gummy grin. It will be filled with teeth before we know it!


Big beautiful eyes. Some of her features remind me so much of Kat and others remind me so much of Ella. She is a perfect blend of both of them, as Matt would say.


This may be my favorite. She was looking at her daddy here. That fuzzy hair…


Oh, you know, just a baby in a basket. Adorable.


“Mom, why are you making so many strange noises?”


She is in love with this guy right here. We can share him… Oh, and Matt shaved off his beard. Yep, bye bye beard.




When I got around to getting some pictures of us together, she was about done… We did get a few sweet ones.


Oh, sweet child of mine. I am so thankful I get to be your mommy.

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